Guest Photographer and Storyteller: Cybele Moon – aka the Dune Mouse

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo


I stumbled across a site with an intriguing title, strange and magical stories, illustrated with the most fabulous photographs. Loving the atmospheric artistry, I invited the photographer over to be my guest…

An excerpt from the Dune Mouse Chronicles

Many years back Cybele moved to Vancouver Island with her parents where she lives to this day. Though the area is beautiful, she longed to escape into other realms and take on the persona of someone far more adventurous than the nervous and solitary mouse she perceived herself to be. Her parents had a small library and she began nibbling through Greek and Roman myths at a young age, along with Hans Christian Andersen, and Oscar Wilde, before finally graduating to Shakespeare and The Voyage of the Beagle. Early on, in prepubescence, there was a diagnosis of depression and a severe anxiety disorder; the kind that turned simple germs into insidious…

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