A day at the zoo

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

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In a complete role reversal, my son took me to the zoo today. I have very mixed feelings about zoos in general. The thought of confining  animals designed for vast landscapes has always seemed wrong and there are truly horror stories of the conditions in which many animals have been imprisoned.  On the other hand, modern zoos do a huge amount to aid the preservation of wildlife these days and, with captive breeding programmes, monitoring and study, are able to make a substantial contribution to the conservation of endangered species and habitats. And then there is the emotive argument… unless we can see, smell… ‘feel’… the beauty of these animals… why would we learn to care about what happens to them at all?

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We went to Whipsnade, not very far from where we now live and, oddly enough, a place I visited several times as a child. My father was…

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